Monday, January 21, 2013


Pre-performance routines can take your game to the next level.  As the saying goes, “A little planning goes a long way.”  Nothing could be truer when it comes to the world of sports. 

Pre-performance routines help athletes get into the right state of mind, focus, build confidence, boost energy, prevent burn-out and increase mental toughness.  Learning to take your game beyond the field takes time, energy and commitment and helps you become a better athlete.

Few focus on the mental aspect of the game; but those who do eventually become far better athletes then their teammates and opponents.  

5 Point Plan For Mental Success in Sports & Life

My five point plan will help take you down the mental road to success in sports and other areas of your life.

S = Strategize: Figure out the areas of your game you want to improve upon and use S.M.A.R.T Goals to build a step-by-step plan to get you there.  Set achievable goals that you can build upon and watch your game improve.

C = Concentrate:  To gain Mental Toughness, your thoughts about the aspects of your game you want to improve upon, will need to become stronger and more intense.

O = Optimize:  In order to make you plan more effective and useful, you need to identify and eliminate the thoughts and fears that are holding you back.  Is it your parents, coach, performance anxiety, fear of failure or some other mental block that is causing you to under-perform?  Identifying and finding ways to confront your fears, is the key needed to unlock future levels of success.

R = Reflect:  When you take the time to think or meditate on your successes and failures, and how they brought you to where you currently are,  you can identify ways to continually keep moving forward.

E = Envision: Picturing something mentally, especially a future event, game or skill, helps prepare your mind for success. Your brain perceives these thoughts as actions and you strengthen your skill set. Just 10 minutes a day thinking about your best game, the sites, the sounds and how well you performed is like giving yourself extra practice and it will show on the field. 

Winston Churchill said, “He who fails to plan, is planning to fail.”  If you want to S.C.O.R.E Big in sports, it’s time to start planning your way to the top.  Learning Mental Toughness skills will help you become a success on and off the field.  

Coming Soon:  A place for youth & teens who want to be a success on and off the field. 

Lonnie Horsey - Mental Game Coach
"Change your Mind, Change your Game."

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